Exploring oscillation proves a moving experience
From the animating pigs' hearts to diving into an acoustic pod, an exhibition exploring the world of oscillation is full of surprises
Gene therapy cures diabetic dogs
Diabetic beagles haven't needed an insulin injection for four years following treatment with two genes that work together to regulate glucose
Withering heights: Why animals are shrinking
It might sound incredible, but many animals are shrinking - and they will become ever tinier in the centuries to come
Suspicious quake gives away North Korea's third nuke
The magnitude-4.9 earthquake was probably due to a 10-kiloton underground nuclear bomb; the next step is to monitor for signs of radioactive gas
Latest Landsat in 40-year mission blasts off
The Landsat Data Continuity Mission, the newest addition to NASA's 40-year mission monitoring Earth from space, blasted into orbit yesterday
Robotic tormenter depresses lab rats
A new robotic rat induces stress and depression in lab animals, creating models of psychological disorders for testing new drugs
Curiosity's first drilling hints at Martian mining
The NASA rover has sampled beneath the Martian surface, perhaps laying the groundwork for future craft to build on or even mine the Red Planet
Algorithm learns how to revive lost languages
An automated system that reconstructs ancient languages could help recover the sound of words not spoken for thousands of years
Arctic sunshine cranks up threat from greenhouse gases
Soil microbes break down organic matter in permafrost more rapidly when exposed to ultraviolet light, so sunshine could speed up carbon dioxide release
Trading places with us makes robots better teammates
It's good when co-workers understand each other - especially if one of them is a robot. Read how a mechanical arm learned the mind of Celeste Biever
Wind power is now cheaper than coal in some countries
Steady technological improvements and uncertainty over the future of fossil fuels are making wind power truly competitive
Today on New Scientist: 12 February 2013
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Today on New Scientist: 12 February 2013